Trees collection

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Name: JackFruit

Scientific Name: Artocarpus heterophyllus

Description:The jackfruit, also known as jack tree, is a species of tree in the fig, mulberry, and breadfruit family. Its origin is in the region between the Western Ghats of southern India, all of Sri Lanka and the rainforests of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines

Banana Tree

Name: Banana Tree

Scientific Name: Musa spp

Description: These tropical fruiting plants are commonly referred to as trees, they’re technically huge herbaceous plants, meaning they don’t have a woody stem. Instead, they have fleshy, upright stalks from which large, oblong, bright green leaves grow. Showy flowers appear typically in the spring, giving way to the fleshy, elongated, green or yellow fruit. They are native to Asia, Africa and Australia.

Name of your tree

Name:Neem Tree

Description:Neem, (Azadirachta indica), also called nim or margosa, fast-growing tree of the mahogany family (Meliaceae), valued as a medicinal plant, as a source of organic pesticides, and for its timber. Neem is likely native to the Indian subcontinent and to dry areas throughout South Asia.
